How much will this cost?
Our services are based on a "pay what you can" system. There is value in investing in support. Knowing that you are able to pay something towards this support helps ensure you have accountability to utilizing the support whole heartedly.
Our donors cover the remaining balance. We have a group of supporters who financially cover the difference in cost for support.
We make no profit as a company off of these payments. Instead, we ensure that the payments cover the cost of utilizing a high quality doula.
Birth Labor Support - $600
birth plan prenatal
birth prep prenatal
in person labor support​
​postpartum follow up
Workshops - $75 each
Comprehensive Childbirth Education Class - $75
Settling in with Baby - $75
Each class includes one birth support person/partner.
These workshops are in person.
Postpartum Doula Support $25/hr
postpartum prep prenatal
daytime support (4-6 hours) or overnight support (8-10 hours) based on a set amount of hours
Bereavement Support - FREE
There is no cost for our bereavement services.